Our Ski Vacations division offers a choice of destinations sure to tempt the skier in you.
We’ve visited all the resorts listed and are confident that your stay in these idyllic ski areas will meet your exacting criteria.
Take the time to browse this section of the Sportvac Voyages website: you’ll no doubt feel the call of a ski resort or town where you can imagine spending a week of skiing in ideal snow conditions.
Each place has its charm. Some prefer the picturesque towns of a region, while others are more attracted to the unique possibilities of high-altitude resorts. Our agency offers both, and we’re always happy to discuss their relative advantages with you. Miles of groomed and backcountry trails with stunning vistas await you.
We select reliable accommodations that we’re proud to work with. Sportvac Voyages will suggest the option that best suits your needs.
Take the time to consider our various destinations—one in particular will certainly spark your curiosity and tempt you to discover its myriad possibilities on your next ski holiday.
What skier or snowboarder has not, at some point, dreamed of experiencing the adrenaline rush of heliskiing?
The helicopter flight alone gives you a breathtaking view of mountain peaks and the expanse of pristine, virgin snow you’ll soon be swooping down.
At a lower price point, you can backcountry ski your way down ungroomed slopes that are just as beautiful as those to be admired when heliskiing. You’ll be comfortably seated and warm until you reach the summit, where your guide will lead your descent through spellbinding virgin snow.